my home

Welcome to my home, have a look around... I am a newish home owner, so this page will continue to grow. Please check back as I add each room, trends come and go, and the seasons change.

A bit about my house, it did not always look this good! It has been a work in progress; most of the work has been done by my Dad, with design/styling by me.  It has been a complete transformation inside and out.  Before pictures coming soon and I promise you will not recognize it!

The front, its always changing but this is the most recent.

Moving Day...

Although the yard was looking a bit sparing... it has come a long way.

First up, my kitchen.  The goal was to open the space up and make it a place you wouldn't mind doing the dishes. I love "stuff" but, the kitchen is no place for junk. Clean counters with pops of colors, including my window of mini pitchers (a tradition passed along to me from my Mom). Rugs from target, dish towels from Crate and Barrel, glass chickens and scale are from antique shops.

Tazza whats behind door #1??

Can you believe the "before kitchen" pictures below...

Up next the bathroom.  This space has seen the biggest changes, and I love how it all turned out; subway tile, heated floors and drawers all my own.  I am also proud of this space because I laid the tile and my Dad and I laid the marble flooring.

I collected the milkglass from antique stores and the prints are "flora and fona" greeting cards turned art!

Where did the tub go? I'm just glad it's back!
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