Wednesday, August 24, 2011

tazza tuesday...well wednesday

Even Tazza is trying to stay cool as the temps in Seattle are finally on the rise.... Her shades are via Explosion Sportswear! (shout-out to kacey!)  What are you doing this weekend to stay cool? I'm heading to Walla Walla for a wine tasting weekend... Pictures to follow!

Friday, August 19, 2011

comments, feedback and suggestions...

Having trouble leaving a comment... you have to become a "follower" of my site (not to be confused with following me @laceyluvzyou on twitter).  At the right there is a "follow a blooming home..."  "join this site" option.  You can registrar to follow me through Google, AIM etc., enabling you to contact me or leave comments.  If you want to contact me directly, also works, I love hearing feedback or suggestions.

living walls...

I think living walls are so cool and, a huge plus, they are environmentally friendly!  Check out a few examples below...

  Perfect with a touch of color, made from old pallets.

 You can never go wrong with succulents, I would love a couple of these hanging anywhere in my yard.
These from CB2 are "in process" and honestly are a bit expensive for my taste.  Although I love these living walls, they add texture and spunk, I don't have a wall I can make living... I have thought about a living fence, but it will rot and I would have to get my neighbors' go-ahead.  So, I was falling out of love (by default) with the living wall concept when I saw this idea during my trip.....

A living wall without the wall, genius! They made small plant boxes on an old wheelbarrow stand, but I think this would work great on a ladder and then you could lean it anywhere! I need one now...time to start building...Anyone got an old ladder I can have??

road trip treasures...

I am a self confessed antique junky... There is never a blank spot in my house and if I love something I can always find "room" for it.  I don't just collect one thing (that would be to easy) and living in a house all my own is the perfect excuse for adding to my collections... Antiquing has become a bit of a craze, not always done correctly, but never-the-less always fun. Because, of this mad antiquing craze my local shops, even Goodwill, have gotten expensive (still a fraction of the prices Pottery Barn or Crate and Barrel charge). So, I was exited for our trip through the back country of Washington, Oregon and Idaho for some true bargain-hunting antiquin'.  Look what I found...
Most of my goodies... The hammered tray was $9, can you believe it?!?! You can't see it in this picture but the design is all different fruit.

Hobnail lovers rejoice! Two new milk glass pieces, both Fenton and real steals. $5 for the small vase, perfect for my bathroom.  $15 for the large pitcher, great for fresh flowers, I have seen these locally for upwards of $35.
An old fashion iron, at $5 it will make a perfect door stop in my laundry room.  I have seen these going for $25-$35, matter of fact there were several others is this same shop for $25 (it pays to search through the bargain basement).

Beautiful tablecloths, another steal... the two yellow napkins match a tablecloth I already own.  The Christmas one is banquet size, which you never see without stains, most of these tablecloths are always cardtable size.  This bunch was $20, locally the asking would be $50-$65.
 1930's genuine leather hand tooled clutch.... love it!  Plus the little old lady who sold it to me was so sweet, we talked for 1/2hour about movie stars of the past!
This little garden flower is not an antique but was too cute to resist. However, it was handmade by a local Hailey, ID artist from recycled scrap metal.
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